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Healing Awaits

Throughout life, we face traumas and hardships.

Sometimes our pain is due to the consequences of our choices, and other times bad experiences are not our fault at all.

Now Faith Worship Center believes in renewal and restoration by way of deliverance and healing through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

As you grow closer to the ultimate healer and comforter, you may benefit from the information and resources we have provided below.

Mental Health Contact Numbers

Local 24 Hour Crisis Lines


Delaware County - 610-447-7600

Chester County - 610-918-2100

Montgomery County - 610-279-6100

Bucks County - 215-345-2273

Philadelphia County 215-686-4420 



child abuse


Rape, Abuse, and Incest Hotline





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National Domestic
violence hotline

Forever Yours Draft #3.png

Brought to you by: Now Faith Worship Center and Dearly Beloved, Inc.

Forever Yours is a circle of caring

that promotes hope and healing.

Survival Mode to Survivor

Love Shouldn't Hurt

Coming out of an abusive relationship has many stages. But with God you can move from victim, to survivor to overcomer.

Here at Now Faith Worship Center, we want you to know that you are never alone and help is right here when you need it.

You Are Not Alone

You are loved and you are worth it.

Your life matters. 

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

(800) 273-TALK (8255)



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Proclaiming Victory

Today I proclaim victory.

I open my mouth and denounce failure and defeat. I will speak to my future and fulfill my purpose in the earth. I will walk boldly and confidently in my faith.

There will be no lack, setbacks or missed opportunities.

I will not miss destiny.

Today I change my story.

I declare that I am not a victim, but an overcomer. Today I will open my mouth and roar.

I am not cursed; I am blessed.

I am not weak; I am strong.

I am not poor; I am a wealthy child of God.

I am not sick; I am healed.

I am not rejected; I am wanted.

I am victorious!

By: Pastor Shawn Reid


Today I choose to forgive those that have hurt me in ways that are unimaginable.

Today I choose to release and let go.

I will not hold on to anger and bitterness.

I choose peace and love.

I choose to forgive so that I can be healed, forgiven, and set free in every area of my life.

I will no longer rehearse or relive what was done to me.

Today I choose to let it go.

New Creation

I am a new creation in Christ. 

I choose to treat my body as a holy temple.

With God all things are possible and He will heal and deliver me. He will give me the strength I need to change and move forward.

I love me.

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©2021 Now Faith Worship Center All Rights Reserved.

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